Tuesday, December 7, 2010

THIS Is Bishop Kent Branch

Dr. Kent David Branch is the senior pastor of Pilgrim Cathedral of Atlanta (PCA) in Decatur, Georgia – a thriving Non-denoninational Christian Church with a prophetic vision to impact the world with the gospel.  With over 25 years in ministry, Dr. Branch travels abroad sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Bishop Branch is also an adjunct professor at Beulah Heights University and Emory University.

Realizing that there was a need to nurture and educate the children in the community, in 1999 Dr. Branch founded Pilgrim Christian Academy and Learning Center I.  In September 2002, a Summer Day Camp was also instituted, and Dr. Branch acquired Pilgrim Christian Academy and Learning Center II which partners with local agencies to provide free pre-k to children age 4; and Pilgrim Atlanta Development Corp., which provides free healthcare, life skill classes and housing to single persons, single parent families, and seniors. 

 A native of New York, Dr. Branch earned a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, a Masters Degree in Business Administration, both from Pace University, a Masters in Divinity Degree from Emory University and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Drew University.  He serves on several boards and has received numerous accolades from local and nationally known organizations and dignitaries.  Dr. Branch is listed in the Who’s Who in Black Atlanta, and is recipient of The Gospel Choice - Chosen Award, one of the region’s highest pastoral honors which highlights those who have made a mark in their church community. 

Bishop Kent Branch is the author of A Kingdom Calling (2010). (It is available for purchase on Amazon.com.) He is known for his unique ability to motivate people to move beyond mediocrity and embrace excellence in their lives.

Corporate business leaders, political officials, celebrities and church leaders have consulted Dr. Branch for counsel and direction through the Word of the Lord.    

Dr. Branch resides in Atlanta with his wife Diana, his two daughters and one son.    


  1. “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35

    Since becoming a member of Pilgrim Cathedral of Atlanta, one thing that is evident of both Bishop and Pastor Di is that they have a genuine love and concern for the people of God. They don’t just teach and preach love; they demonstrate it through word and deed. This is how I know that they are true disciples and pastors after God’s own heart.

    Bishop and Pastor Di,

    I respect you for your genuineness and transparency. Thank you for keeping it real and for not compromising the integrity of the Gospel. You teach and preach Truth…and it is by the Truth of God’s Word that many of us have been set free, including me. Not just free from the practice of sin, but free from hurt, shame and regrets. When I first started attending PCA, I was saved, but heart hurt, wounded and in need of healing. It is under your pastoralship that God has transformed me from a place of brokenness to wholeness. I was able to let go of past hurts and move forward. Thank you Jesus!

    Thank you as well, Bishop and Pastor Di for your example. Not only have I learned through the Word, but through observation. One prayer that I’ve prayed to God and He’s answering is that I be secure in my own uniqueness – confident in Him and who He has called me to be – not an imitator or copycat, but His original. You are a model for me. Neither of you try to be like the other in execution of your ministry. I don’t see competitive, but complementary ministries, which is an awesome legacy to leave with your sons and daughters too. You Both are Original and that’s refreshing!

    What further impresses me is that you don’t try to typecast your sons/daughters in the Gospel. Yes, we do have protocol. However, you embrace the diversity of the gifts/calls within us and provide opportunities for us to develop and express them through the myriad ministries offered at PCA. I’m eternally grateful to God for planting me in such a wonderful ministry, under the pastoralship of two great leaders.

    Bishop and Pastor Di, continue to do what God has called you to do for His Glory! Your labor is not in vain. You are impacting and influencing to the Glory of God…I write as a witness to that truth!

    May God’s grace, mercy, love and truth always abound with you!

    Much love,
    Lanetta Davis

  2. In August of 2008 I joined Pilgrim after relocating to Atlanta in July 2008. In April 2009 I hade to move away to assist in caregiver services for a family member. However, during that brief time at Pilgrim there was such a wealth of knowledge that I obtained that will carry me for a life time. It is now January 2011 and I still read notes from sermons I heard at Pilgrim. I am not a neophyte when it comes to Christianity, I was an Elder in the Lord's church when I joined. But everything was done in a spirit of excellence. I am making plans to return to ATL soon and Pilgrim is where I will be.

    A. Harrrison
    Charleston, SC
